Get To Know Room 14

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Spring Break

Happy Spring Break!

Don't forget to do your Geometry Shape Hunt! It is due when you return to school! I will be adding new links to the "Education Links" section of our blog! Be sure to check those out. I hope you have a relaxing break and come back ready to learn!

Mrs. Seegert

Happy Earth Day!

This site has fun Earth Day games, crafts, puzzles and much more!

What can YOU do to help our Earth?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break Shape Hunt!

I trust that everyone will have a fantastic Spring Break! Relax and enjoy time with your family! However, don’t forget about your Geometry Shape Hunt due the day you return! 

Geometry Shape Hunt
Directions: Shapes are everywhere we look! Go on a geometric shape hunt. Use one of the following suggestions to record the shapes that you found! Make sure to correctly label the shapes!  Please find at least ten different shapes. If you find more, great!

ÿ    ***Use a camera to take pictures of the shapes around you. Then, either create a power point, poster or book with the pictures you took. Don’t forget to label! 

ÿ    ***Draw pictures of the shapes you found. Example: If you found an octagon on a stop sign, draw a stop sign and label it octagon. 

ÿ    ***With permission, use old magazines to find shapes. Cut them and create a book, poster or mobile.

ÿ    ***Create an organized list. Write down what you found and what shape it is. If you chose this option, you must find at least 15 shapes.
DUE: 5-3-11

For the list of shapes, go to the following website.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Biography Project!

Biography Project!
 As you read the biography of your choice, you will be filling out a form identical to the one below. Then, you will enter the information into the following website:

This website will transform your  information into a BIO CUBE? What is a Bio Cube? Well, there’s only one way to find out. TRY IT OUT!

The Bio Cube will be what you use to present your “person of choice” to the class!


Persons Name:

Time Period:


Personal background:

Personality Traits:


Biggest obstacle:

Important quotation:

Other interesting information: