Get To Know Room 14

Campfire Math

Campfire Math is what I like to call our Math Workshop time. Math Workshop is a combination of instructional and intervention time.  

Every day we ‘gather round the fire’ and start with one of two activities; a short review or a Time Test. If we start with review, we have a Troop Leader of the day.
The leader will chose one or two math concepts to review with the class. This only takes a few minutes.

Then, we use the next hour to rotate to four stations every fifteen minutes. The children are in groups according to math ability. The groups are flexible and change often. This allows me to differentiate instruction and give each group activities perfect for them!  


1. Work with Teacher: This is the lesson for the day.

2. Desk Work: The children practice the new Math concept at their seat.

3. Review Game: The children play a game to review a previous Math concept.

4. New Concept Game: The children play a game to practice the new math concept.

Please note, there are some days that I chose to teach Math whole group instead of small group. It depends on what it is we are learning at the moment.

I call our Math time Campfire Math to make it more fun! The kids really like it. Campfire Math has made Math time in our class a much more positive and productive experience!

I modeled my Math Workshop from Beth Newingham.

Campfire Math
Our Campfire Math Board---GATHER ROUND THE FIRE!

A close up of our board

A fun way to practice and review!