Get To Know Room 14

Monday, August 16, 2010

Things Good Readers Do...

Hello! As my first post I wanted to share some useful information that you can use at home with your children. Here is a list of THINGS THAT GOOD READERS DO. Things are things you can talk about while reading with your children. We will be working on these things in class as well. Hope you find this useful! If you do, PRINT IT!

1. Take “picture walks”. In short a “picture walk” is when you go though the book and discuss the pictures before you begin reading. If there are pictures, children need to know to LOOK AT THEM!:)
2. Make predictions. Using the information you have gathered, make a good guess about what is going to happen next. “I predict....” “I think that _____is going to happen.”
3. Make observations. These are just things the reader notices about the words, pictures or anything else in the story. “I notice...”
4. Ask questions. Ask questions before, during and after the story. “I wonder...” “Why... “
5. Make connections. Make a connection by noticing how you see the story connecting to your own life, another book, or the world. “This reminds me of the time...”

These things will help us to comprehend the story! VERY IMPORTANT! Why read if we don’t know WHAT we just read?!
What about when we are stuck on a word???Look below!
1. Look for words we know. “I see the word SOME in the word awesome OR I see two words I know in the word EVERYONE (EVERY/one”
2. Use the rules we know. “I know that Y sometimes sounds like E, like in the word Many...let me try that... OR I know the magic E rule…like in the word kite. Let me try that...” Remember these rules don't ALWAYS WORK...But, give them a try and see if it sounds right!
2. CHUNK IT! “Take the word KEEPING. I know eep says ‘eep’ like in Jeep. I see the ing ending and know that it sounds like ‘ing’ like in ring. Now, put K-eep-ing together!”
3. Sound it out if you have to! Then reread it!
HOPE THIS HELPS! More to come later!

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