Get To Know Room 14

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Internet Safety-Video for Computer Lab Time

Click to watch!

Listen for the password!

What is one thing you learned from the video?


  1. don't give away your name city gender or password.A secret name is good.You tell a adult when someone You don't now Has emailed you.


  2. i learned that if u want to contact anyone online u should ask your parents first. also, u should be kind on the internet.


  3. I learned that when you go online you have to be carefull who you friend beause they could be a stanger pulling off as a kid and that person might try to get your pesonal information. It's very dangerous to be on the internet and giving someone your personal information.It's like giving someone off the street your personal info like where you live or what your name is. Alyssa

  4. I lernd to keep my paswerd secret

  5. I learned that it is safe to go on the internet as long as you don't give out any personal information.I also learned that if someone is being mean do NOT be mean back and just tell an adult.


  6. I learned that you should never tell anybody your password because they could get on your account. You should'nt even tell your best friend your password because they could go on your account and find out information about you. Also I learned that if you want to have a user name. That you should always make it not close to your name and make sure it does not give any information out about you.


  7. i learned from this video that bullys are just as mean online as they are in real life. Another thing i learned is if u would not share your personal iformation in public like outside or something your should not share it online!!!!!!!!! 1 more thing i learned if someone is being mean to you online you should not anwser back not be mean back and tell an adult.

  8. I learned not to give any thing about me.i also learned not togive info to friend cause they could tease you.and ask your parets to go on line. I want to be safe.reese

  9. one thing i learned was to never ever give any presonal iformation to the computer.Because if you do there are some people that use the computer to say mean things or come find you and try to kill you but it will probleing never going to happen but it is just to make you safe.

    paige a

  10. When you go on the internet at home or at school. You should use the online rules to be safe like; keep your identity a secret,don't give out you personal information of yours or anybody else.Also like on my teachers blog you should always keep your name anonymous and also be extra careful with strangers online because it is very easy to trick people into winning something big.Tell somebody and be nice and also keep your password a deep deep deep secret and also others like email and other computer wise internets that is involved in putting pics of you or someone else like your best friends.Also if someone is being mean or rude to you, you should block them off your page or website. selena

  11. Its very easy to trick people so you should make up fake names or lie about your age and were you live. And some parent or people llike to hack your computer and they domt want to becom freinds.


  12. I learned to not give out personal info!! Tell someone if someone on line was being mean to you!!!

    BY Ashley

  13. What I learned was dont give away any persinal info.Dont give away your age city or gender.There are adults that who trick kids.If you get a text from someone you dont know dont anser it.

