Get To Know Room 14

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Center work: Online Book Club(Jan 20-Feb 4)

Online Book Club
That’s right! Grab your hot chocolate. It’s time for an extra dose of Fourth Grade BOOK CLUB! 


Would you recommend your book? Why or why not? Please give a lot of details. Read what others have left. Would you want to read their book?


  1. yes i would recommend my book to people the littles is a good book.the littles is about this big family that lives in the wall of the biggs the littles are small people with tails. the littles are proud that they are little they dont care if there tall or small they are just lucky that there alive.oh it is about so far that this new family is coming to the little house because there is more room because the biggs are on a road trip so like a vacation.the littles are loveing sweet people.i like the book the littles because it is so exciteing you dont know what is going to happen next.also it is so out going someone says one thing then someone says something totally diffrent. that is why i like the littles

    paige a blue group

  2. I am reading The Littles. In the book the family The Littles take food from The Bigs. But The Bigs don't notice a thing. The Littles repay The BIgs by helping them with pluming problems. I would recommend this book to people who like books about a mix between the Adventure genre and Fantasy genre. I don't really like this book myself but I think someone will like this book if they try it. Evan

  3. The Littles:I do not like this book because,it seems like it is making fun of my little brother Angelo ,because he is so small.I also think it is wierd that the Littles are friends with the Bigs and all the Bigs do is leave scraps on their plates,but the Littles do everything for the Bigs.By Romeo

  4. I am reading the book Bunnicula. This book is about a dog named Harold and his family The Monroes getting a pet rabbit. The Monroes went to a Dracula movie one night and one of The MOnroes sons sat in their seat and saw a shoe box. He opened it up and saw a bunny with a note atatched to his neak. The note said " Please take care of my darling rabbit.". The Monroes then took the rabbit home and thought of names. The mother suggested Fluffly but the family declined. After a while the boys started fighting over who gets to keep him instead of names. It only took the mother a minute to pick the name Bunnicula. Alyssa

  5. The BFG:I reccomed this book to people who like scary things.There are many charictoristics of a fictional narritive in creepy ways.First of all Sophie gets stolen by the BFG and gets taken to a far away place.By Maya

  6. Wow! I can notice a huge improvement in the quality of your comments! I am very impressed!

    Keep it up!!

    Mrs. Seegert
