Get To Know Room 14

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fictional Narrative


  1. i learned what is suppost to be in written in witch one is suppost to be what is the story is about then the second paragraph is about the problem then in the third is the ending. and that is what i learned

    paige a and katie

  2. the fictioan narratve is a fake story. the stor is made to entertane the normlee inciodes magick evan

  3. I'm so glad that you learned from the sideshow.Please remember to use capitols, end marks and dictionaries. :) Mrs. S

    P.S. I can't wait to start writing our Fictional Narratives!

  4. Now that i have saw the slideshow i know what a fantasy/fictional book has to make it.Talking animals ,fictional characters,like witches,vampiers,aliens,and dragons.So now i know when i read a book i will know what kind of genre it is because you had that slideshow and if you did'nt have that slideshow i would'nt know what a fantasy/fictional book has without the slideshow. selena orange group

  5. A fictonal narritive is not ever a true story.They are fake and sometimes realistick but mostly fake.
    Valerie and Marie yellow group

  6. I learned that you need to keep the reader hanging and really excited on whats happening next. Also I learned that you on around the thired pharagraph you need to start rapping everything up and tie up all the loose ends. Lastly I learned that at the last pharagraph you need to solve the problem and use a lot of desriptive words to do that.
    -Lauren and Cyndle

  7. a fictonal story is NOT true it is fake. you make up charecters. sometimes it sounds real like hachet

