Get To Know Room 14

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Goals!

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What are your goals this year?
Please include a new years resolution for yourself, your family and the world!


  1. my new years resulution for 2011 is to treat my dog better.


  2. my new years resolution is to go outside more.For my family it will be to hang out more.To stop littering

  3. Ramon
    I am going to try to go above my A.R goal

  4. my new years resolution is to eat healthier by eating less junk food and eat more fruits and veggies.


  5. I am going to help poor people to help give food and money. I will try my hardest in school.To be nice to my friends.


  6. For myself I want to try to Eat healthier exersize more and loose some weight like I want to try to get more active so I can achive those goals.For my family I really want to try to be nicer to my brother and sister like I do not want to get in fights like we usually do.For the world I want to not litter like when I have a bag I am holding I will not throw it on the ground I will walk to the nerest garbage can and then throw it away.Also to help the world I will try to ride my bike to school more often in the spring.That will help so I do not pollut.


  7. My new years resolution is to go outside.I will play football with my friends.My new years resolution for my family is to hang out more.It is to also listen to my parents.My new years resolution for the world is stop littering.A lot of people in my neighborhood litter.


  8. my new years resulution is to help the world by... not littering, recycling, reuseing, and taking care of my moms garden and my cucumber garden.i think people should help the great lakes get much cleaner.i also want to figure out a way that us americans can try to use less plastic.

  9. I think we should stop polution.

  10. I would like to be a better person by,being nice to my family.I will get exersize every day so I won't be fat.I want to eat better stuff like friut,vegis,and water.i wish I can get better grades like A's and b's.I will not use a lot of energeyso we don't have to buy more light bulbs.Whats your new year change?


  11. Ramon
    I am going to get above my A.R goal.
    Becase I whoed be prod.Becase it whoed be my first time.

  12. i want to save up all my money so I can by sonthing i relly relly want. and to help my family when they need help for sonthing. And I want to pick up trash that i see ond the ground.Sothe world gets a little more clean.that will .and to be thristy with my stuff.that will help ne become a better person. sidney

  13. I want to be nicer to my perants and stop
    yelling at them. I want my family to go on more vacations so i will save up my money. I will pick up trash and stop puloting.


  14. for my new year revalution is not play vidio games so much. my other new years revalotion is not to talk as much in class.i also am going to try new foods and not eat junk food as much.if i find litter i will pick it up insted of letting it lay there and i wont litter.i will eat healyer and run more. what are your new years revalutions? reese

  15. I want to make my AR goal. because I have not made it in a long time.


  16. My new years resolution is, if i see any homeless people i will use my money and get the homeless people something to eat and drink. Another thing for the world is if i see ANY garbage outside anyware pick it up because eveyone who lives on the earth wants to live in a claen place not a dirty one.The one for my family is to be nicer to them by not yelling at the so much. Another one for my family is for the holidays im going to get my 2 sister a gift my brother a gift and my Mom and Dad a NICE gift to. Those are my new year resolutions.Katie

  17. My new years resolution is I am going to try to stop pollution by picking up trash and recycle, reduce and reuse.


  18. My New Years resolution for myself would be to save my money and buy somthing at the end of the year I really want.My New Years resolution for my family would be to spend more time together,because now that me and my brother get to watch TV in our family room we don't always sit at the dinner table as a family.My New Years resolution for the world would be to start recycling. Alyssa pink group

  19. I would like to help the world by picking up trash in neighborhoods or on the beach.I would go outdoors and help nature and plant tree's or flowers.i would also like to do is go outside more and more everyday and play to get helthy and not eat junk food at all.If im outside i would help hurt animal make bird houses and put lots of animal food in it for all of the other animals.selena

  20. For my new years resolution I want to eat healthier.I also want to invent a machine that does not polute the Earth.Another thing I want to do is be nicer to my brother.I want to ride my bike more often.


  21. My new year resotution is to stop eating junk food. And making new friends. Because junk food can give you cavities. And making my ar goal!

    By, Ashley

  22. I will git badr gras by stoen more often
    I will hap the earth by not ltren and I will pic up all the gobig in the wrde
    I will halp my Mom and Dad with the di
    ,lojre,grochres,dinre,and clie my room


  23. For my new years resolution is to do more work around my house like fold the clothes un load the dish washer also to spend more time with my family another thing that i am going to do for my new years resolution is to get off the computer or tv and go outside and do something like go on a bike ride play basketball do something other than watching tv or geting on the computer.that is my new year resolutions.

    paige a

  24. my resolution this year is to get better grades but for my family is to help around the house.for the world i will help the animals and i will be a vet when i grow up. cyndle.

  25. My other resolutions are to exersize more. I can do that by doing more sports and jogging.I would also like to be a better person being more nice to my friends and family.I will also want to save my money so I can by something really cool.


  26. I think it was good. I like how the kingagardenersare saying there revolutions.My revolutions are to be nicer to my Brothers and do more chores, and obay my parents better,and help out to save more money for a vacation,and eat healther.Those ars my New years Revolutions.MARIE

  27. I would like to help the world by picking up litter on the beach. I would go outside more and stop playing the X-BOX 360. I want to stop eating junk food and eat healther. I want to stop taking the bus and start walking to school and riding my bike to school. And i will also help the needy and animals.


  28. I want to make friends.


  29. For my new year's resoiution i will be a beter person.By not ploting.

  30. Im going to eat better then I do now.

  31. my new years resolution is I will save more money for somthing that I really really want.
    my new years resolution is to buy more dog food by my self.
    bobby orange group

  32. Class, I am impressed with your answers! Thank you for giving me your personal best! Please remember to include your first name (NO LAST NAMES). Thanks!

    Here's to a new year with goals that we can accomplish!

    Mrs. Seegert
