Get To Know Room 14

Thursday, January 13, 2011



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Can you take anything you find on the internet without the creater's permission and use it in your report? Why?
What is a copyright?POST A COMMENT!


  1. When you are taking something off the internet you should get permission. You also want to make sure that nobody knows about what you posted. I think kids should be more careful on the internet.


  2. Ramon
    NO! you cant.Becase you hafe to say you got it from.Or some pepol dont let you use ther stuf.Some pepol let you.Like if someone mad a song thay might say you can or can not.Or someone made a book you cant copy it.

  3. A copyright is something that you cant copy. If you copyright you could go to jail.But you can copyright IF you ASK the person who wrote it.BUT if you copyright something big like a panting you could go to jail for a life time.


  4. A copyright is some you can't copy in less you ask the person who posted it.somethings aren't copyrigts like a methed.there are websites that say you can copy the pictures and music.some time ether get arested or sued for cooying to many things.I never will copyright anything. Reese

  5. NO you can can not because if you did that you would be called a infringerment.a infringerment is someone who takes other peoples idea and does not give the preson who r
    really came up with the idea no credit.

    paige A

  6. A copywrite is someone elses peroperte. The video says to ask for permishon. If you steel someones work you get sued.


  7. Yes,cause i can get the photos that i need in real life.A copywriteis something you use but they don't keep it they just use it.Pardoy is making funof there work.You should ask the cretaers permisson to use the copywrite.


  8. A copyright is something you created and nobody else can use it unless you give them permission.
    Also you can not just take somthing from the internet and use it in your report. You have to make sure that you get permission first.
    Some facts I learned where no body else can use your stuff or sell you product unless they get permission.

  9. You can't get copy rights for ides.If somone reeprdoose somthing it'selego.You need prmison to use somthing in thery wrighting. by evan

  10. I learnd what fair uses are. its when somwone copys your stuff and it is ok. and it is fair use if you only copy a little. sidney

  11. When you ever go online and download music,images,pics or even someones very own research,that would be illegal.But if you put down their names to give them credit for it ,it would'nt be a illegal.Like a copy right is a illegal right of the persons creative work.You an also create you own music and put it online but give permission to let them have it .if you take someone elses work and make it better that would also be illegal cause there would be no way you can make someone elses writting better by just adding more better words to it.selena

  12. I learned that a copyright is a legle right of a creative peaice of work.You can not take anything you find of the internet and put in your reaport or something with out permistion. Because it is agents the law if u dont ask the person who had made it.Their is 1 thing i want to share.Lets say you created a peice of work and uyou were so proud of it and so uyou put it online and someone eles stole it . How would uyou feel. Katie

  13. I think that copyrights are good at one point of view and bad at the other.Why I say that is because from the writers point of view a copyright is good because their work is protected,but on the other hand it might not be good for the reader because they might want to borrow copyrighted work without having to contact the reader.A copyrighted piece of work is not necesarily good or bad just because it is copyrighted.

  14. Copyrights is goood because what if I wanted to post a picture for everyone to see but I didnt want anyone taking it. That was just a exsaple but if somebody did want to post it but nobody to take it and they did you could go to jail or get sued or pay alot of money so you should be careful. Copyrightscould get kids and adults in trouble.But kids have to be the most careful becuse sometimes they dont know that and you have to take your kids to jovey or pay the person who wanted people not to take his or her copyright.So you should not steal anybodys copyright or you could get in big big trouble exspecally when your broke.

    By Nolan

  15. I learned that you have to have permission to take a copy righted thing.Not all things are copy righted.A copy right last 70 years after the authors death.


  16. A copyright is a creation put online or somewhere else by a different person.Some things are not under the copyright law such as ideas.


  17. yes because I can get pictures that I need for a report or othor work for school and I can ask them for permetion.Well copywrites are laws that are given to createive writers.Thats not all but I have to go.


  18. I learned that you can get sued. and you cant copy of of someones paper hew already wrote something on the computer.thats what i learned.


  19. I learned that you connt copyright becaus it a gunst the law. And if you copyright y0u get sue. by Romeo

  20. I learned that if you steal a copyright it is against the law and you can get sued.

  21. I learned that it has talking anamals.I also learned that you can make it up.and you have talking plants.giants are fictional charicters reading a fiction book
