Get To Know Room 14

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Groundhogs Day/ Snow Day!

Hello!I hope that everyone is enjoying the time off due to this "lovely" Blizzard! 

Fourth Graders, if you happen to check out the blog during your day off....

Read about Groundhogs Day at the link below...

Then, MAKE A PREDICTION! Do you think the groundhog will see his shadow? What do you think and why?  

Stay SAFE and WARM!

PS. I can't wait  to see your Science projects! They will be due the day we return to school. Also, study hard for your Science Test :)

1 comment:

  1. mrs seegert i no it is past ground hog day and i did not do this but i dont no if the groundhog seen his shadow or not so this is what i predict i think he wont see his shadow this year cause he always does evey year plus i dont want anymore winter hahahahah! Katie
