Get To Know Room 14

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Live feed of a hummingbird's nest!

Did you think observing the eagle was fun? Check out the hummingbird! Tell me what you notice and any questions you have. Start thinking about ways that the eagle and hummingbird are the same and different. We will be comparing and contrasting the two!

Video chat rooms at Ustream

Friday, March 25, 2011

Watch a live feed of an Eagles Nest!

Soon we will be talking about animals in their habitat… check out this LIVE feed of an EAGLES NEST!

What did you observe? What questions do you have? POST a comment!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Henry Ford Museum 3-22-11

Henry Ford Museum 3-22-11 
Writing about our trip

Sharing about the trip

Rosa Parks Bus

Lincoln's Chair

I want my MTV

Working on a Model T


Friday, March 18, 2011

Moon at its closest point to Earth on 19th March

Ask your parents to go outside with you tomorrow night! The Moon will be at its closest point to Earth in 18 years! Can you write a Haiku poem describing what you saw?

If you forget what a Haiku poem this page to refresh your memory!

I will give 1 pt extra credit, added on to your writing grade, if you write your Haiku on this Blog Post by March 21st at 9:00PM! Have fun!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Be Safe!

We have been learning about electrictity in class. However, it can be very dangerous! Learn more at
 Electrical Safety World! Click on the link below...

Electricity Games Online

What Makes A Good Conductor?
PLAY THIS GAME TO FIND OUT! Pay special attention to the brightness of the bulb. Have fun!

Another fun game is this circuit game...
Challenge yourself! 

Have fun investigating!

Invention Facts and Myths

Invention facts and myths:

Read through a few products on the handout. Please choose the one that you find to be the most interesting. PRINT THE INFORMATION!

You will NEED this printout to do the next step of the project. You will be creating a brochure on Microsoft Publisher!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Electricty Experiment!

Will this work?

Let's try another way!



So proud of their work!

I asked the question..."Can you make this bulb light up with just a piece of wire and a battery?" The kids had a chance to find out for themselves. I gave them a little bit of guidance and eventually every group figured it out  on their own! We learned about current electricity, complete circuits, load, path and source! They loved it!