Get To Know Room 14

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Live feed of a hummingbird's nest!

Did you think observing the eagle was fun? Check out the hummingbird! Tell me what you notice and any questions you have. Start thinking about ways that the eagle and hummingbird are the same and different. We will be comparing and contrasting the two!

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  1. What an amazing video! If you don't mind, I would like to link your blog to ours so that students can view! OH! I see the mother feeding the baby now! My 4th graders will really enjoy your site. Thanks!
    Mrs. Allen, Joliet, IL

  2. When i was watching the baby humming birds were just laying down doing nothing besides probolly waiting for their mom to eat.Still i think this is really cool. katie: blue group

  3. Today the hummingbirds were just laying down and the mother wasnt there.the babys were probable sleeping.Iwonder where the mom went?

    paige a.

  4. I relly liked the hummingbird.What i saw was the mom feeding the was super duper cool!!! COLOR GREEN FROM SIDNEY

  5. All the hummingbirds were doing is siting ther witing for their morther to come back with the food.Ther were 3 of them. It was cool to see birds with out seeing fly away. Romeo
