Get To Know Room 14

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In response to you!

Dear BEST CLASS EVER( Yes, that means you Mrs. Seegert's Fourth Graders),

     WOW! I am thrilled that so many of you still check up on the blog and stop by to leave comments on old posts! I like it even when you stop by just to say hello to me on here! I have to tell you that it makes my day! I'm so VERY sad that I can not be at DRE this year but I am sure that you are all doing very well in 5th grade. 
     After Bedford closed the school, I found a job teaching Kindergarten in Toledo.  I miss all of you sooo much and think about you often. I would love to visit but with my job it makes it very hard to. 
    I just wanted to say thank you for writing me on here and feel free to do so whenever! Keep me updated! You can also e-mail me at if you ever need anything! Thanks again for the kind words! I send you all my love! 

Mrs. Seegert


  1. hey its me selena sandoval do u remember me im already in 5th grade now and i have mrs winterstein hows life well mines great comment me back soon love ya

  2. YES! Of course I remember you Selena! I will never forget ANY of you;) I sure would love to visit sometime! It's crazy that 5th grade is almost over and you will be in 6th soon! Is it going well? I hope so! You are so smart...I bet you are doing wonderfully! Just a hint: you may not want to put your last name on any blogs and say what school you go- JUST for safety! I would never want anything to happen to you! It's so neat that you got on the blog still even though your not in my class anymore:( Miss and love ya back!

    ;) Mrs. Seegert

  3. Hi Mrs.Seegert its me Alex Jones.
