Get To Know Room 14

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I now teach Kindergarten at MRE. Please follow my new Kindergarten Blog!!!! Tons of great stuff to come! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In response to you!

Dear BEST CLASS EVER( Yes, that means you Mrs. Seegert's Fourth Graders),

     WOW! I am thrilled that so many of you still check up on the blog and stop by to leave comments on old posts! I like it even when you stop by just to say hello to me on here! I have to tell you that it makes my day! I'm so VERY sad that I can not be at DRE this year but I am sure that you are all doing very well in 5th grade. 
     After Bedford closed the school, I found a job teaching Kindergarten in Toledo.  I miss all of you sooo much and think about you often. I would love to visit but with my job it makes it very hard to. 
    I just wanted to say thank you for writing me on here and feel free to do so whenever! Keep me updated! You can also e-mail me at if you ever need anything! Thanks again for the kind words! I send you all my love! 

Mrs. Seegert