Get To Know Room 14

Monday, December 13, 2010

Center Work Dec. 13th-17th (CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD!)


This week we are learning how the people in the counties of  Australia, Greece, Ethiopia, Russia,  and China celebrate Christmas. We will also be adding the state of Alaska!  Your assignment is to do additional research!

*You may work alone or with a partner.

1. You must choose only ONE country.  It can be ANY one!
2. You must read the entire article. 
3. You must add a comment to THIS blog post. Your comment must share at least 3 facts that you learned about that country!

---What should your comment look like?---
*It should first state the country that you chose. The name of your country is a proper noun so I expect to see a capitol letter!
*It should list THREE or more facts about what your leanrned.( COMPLETE SENTENCES, PERIODS, CORRECTLY SPELLED WORDS, CAPITOLS...)
*You MUST put you and your partners name at the bottom!!!! 

Click on ""comments"" for an example!

OK, have fun exploring this site! Use a sticky note or scrap paper to take notes if you need to! 


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Computer Lab 12-9-10

Click on SPELLING CITY -----> in the LINKS portion of this site!
Enter ALL your words!
Flip over your list!

Play HANGMAN with your words!  FINISHED? Try another game!

Monday, December 6, 2010

CENTER WORK Dec 6th - Dec 10th

Write a response in the comment section of this post!
Write at least 3-5 sentences.

Sign your first name!

Finished early? Choose a website from my list links!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week our focus was Thanksgiving. We learned about several different Native American tribes including the tribe that was present at the first Thanksgiving, the Wampanoag tribe. We also talked about the life of a Pilgrim. Our discussion focused on the hardships and details such as the types of food they may have had. We ended our week with a grand finale…. homemade butter! We used heavy whipping cream and zip lock bags to “churn” our own butter! Everyone had a chance to “churn” the butter and every child gave the homemade butter a try! We all thought it was gooooood!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

PS. Enjoy the pictures!

Mrs. Seegert

We started with heavy cream and zip lock bags! All you have to do is SHAKE!

It's starting to look like butter!

It's butter! YUM!!!!

Our butter!

Lucas LOVES it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

What should I check out?!


Check out the comments that your children made under the "Underground Railroad Voicetread ONE!" They did a wonderful job making connections and talking about what they learned!

Mrs. Seegert

Center Work 11-29-10 to 12-3-10

Computer Center Work for the week of 11-29-10 to 12-3-10
1. Click on the link below.

2. Explore what it might be like to be a slave and travel the Underground Railroad.

3. Leave a comment about your experience!

4. Read what other students have said! (YOU CAN COMMENT ABOUT THEIR COMMENTS!)


Monday, November 15, 2010

Just an update!

Congrats to Anthony! He has saved up 50 Seegert Bucks! We will be having pizza in the room tomorrow for lunch!

Thanks to the parents for always communicating with me! I appreciate it!

Science test tomorrow! I know we will do GREAT!

We will be focusing on addition and subtraction in Math. So, if anyone would like me to send extra practice home, let me know!

We started Personal Narrative writing this week! The kids are loving it!

Ask your child what makes an adventure book special! I bet they know:)

Check out the COMMENTS your kids have been leaving on my posts! They are great!


See you next week!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What is the Adventure genre?

Get a Voki now!

Listen for directions!

Now,please tell me what qualities a nAdventure book has!

Pictures 1

Writing letters to the Military on Veteran's Day!

Gallon Guy!

Free Choice Friday!

Star of the Week!



Lucas writing a letter to the troops!

Havin' a good time in 4th Grade!
More pics to come later!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Share a FUN FACT

The kids in my class LOVE FUN FACTS! They are always looking for a chance to share fun facts with the class. So, I am creating this space to add fun facts!

Find a short fun fact in a book.
Find THIS post titled "Share a Fun Fact"
Click on comments.
Type your fact.
Add your first name only. NO LAST NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the comments that others have left!

Underground Railroad

Video two

What it would be like to be on the Underground Railroad.

Underground Railroad

video one

What is the Underground Railroad??

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dinosaur Fossils

This is from the website,! You can view the slideshow, check out the comments left by others and type your own comments! I would like you to make a connection, ask a question or make an observation. Use what you know about fossils or what you wish you knew to make your comments. You can make as many comments as you would like! Did you know you can draw circles around the most interesting part of the photo, draw arrows to certain areas on each photo and much more with the draw tool!? This draw tool will help you to be more specific with your comments. This will be fun! PLEASE remember to put your first name after your comment so that  I can read what you wrote. DO NOT put your last name! This is to be internet smart and safe!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I am adding new webistes to my blog today. The kids have been asking for them!

Also, if you have not turned in the Photo Permission Slip please do ASAP! I would be happy to print off another copy! Let me know!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 1 & 2!

Our first week as Fourth Graders was spent getting to know the rules and procedures of the classroom. We also took many first week assessments and started our MEAP preparation. My favorite part of the week was getting to know your child! This class is full of fun kids with great personalities!
Now that it is week two, we are digging right into our normal schedule! I will be sending a spelling list home with your child this weekend. We won’t have our spelling test until the following Friday. However, I suggest using Saturday and Sunday as two extra study days! As I like to say, practice, practice, PRACTICE! J Your child will have spelling homework next week as well.
Fourth grade is such a big transitional year! I have been stressing the important of responsibility and independence.  

Andy questions? Contact me! My voicemail is now up and running. You can also e-mail me or send in a note!
Also, please make sure that your child shows you his or her Behavior/ Assignment sheet everyday so that you can initial it. THANKS so much! Here’s to a year of learning!

Mrs. Seegert

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Dear Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child to Fourth Grade! My name is Tara Seegert and I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year. Throughout the year, I hope to get to know both you and your child. Here is some information about myself and our classroom.

I have been working with children for the last seven years. Most recently, I worked as a Literacy Coach for Douglas Road Elementary. This is my first year as a classroom teacher and I am extremely excited that my dream has finally been achieved! I am very familiar with DRE and the excellent students here!

I reside in Petersburg, MI with my husband, Jimi. We have a 130 lb. German Shepherd named Duke. During the summer months, I enjoy camping, boating, working outside and walking Duke. I also enjoy READING and being a Sunday School teacher for four and five year olds. I think you will find me to be a very patient person and one that will work hard for you.

My goal is to provide your child with a warm, welcoming classroom where we can learn and grow together. All children can learn! However, they learn at different rates and in different ways. It is my responsibility to provide them with hands-on activities in which they can learn from. I may love my job, but I also take it very seriously. The jump from Third Grade to Fourth Grade is significant and I will do my best to support your child in any way I can.

Together as teacher and parent we can make this year one of extreme growth for your child. I will be teaching your child, but your child will be teaching me as well! We can all learn so much from each other and I can’t wait to get started! Please contact me if you ever have any concerns, positive news, or want to discuss your child. I would be happy to talk with you! Also, please stop in anytime. Families are always welcome! Here’s to a fantastic year in room 14!

Yours in Education,

Tara L. Seegert

(734) 850-6744

Monday, August 16, 2010

Things Good Readers Do...

Hello! As my first post I wanted to share some useful information that you can use at home with your children. Here is a list of THINGS THAT GOOD READERS DO. Things are things you can talk about while reading with your children. We will be working on these things in class as well. Hope you find this useful! If you do, PRINT IT!

1. Take “picture walks”. In short a “picture walk” is when you go though the book and discuss the pictures before you begin reading. If there are pictures, children need to know to LOOK AT THEM!:)
2. Make predictions. Using the information you have gathered, make a good guess about what is going to happen next. “I predict....” “I think that _____is going to happen.”
3. Make observations. These are just things the reader notices about the words, pictures or anything else in the story. “I notice...”
4. Ask questions. Ask questions before, during and after the story. “I wonder...” “Why... “
5. Make connections. Make a connection by noticing how you see the story connecting to your own life, another book, or the world. “This reminds me of the time...”

These things will help us to comprehend the story! VERY IMPORTANT! Why read if we don’t know WHAT we just read?!
What about when we are stuck on a word???Look below!
1. Look for words we know. “I see the word SOME in the word awesome OR I see two words I know in the word EVERYONE (EVERY/one”
2. Use the rules we know. “I know that Y sometimes sounds like E, like in the word Many...let me try that... OR I know the magic E rule…like in the word kite. Let me try that...” Remember these rules don't ALWAYS WORK...But, give them a try and see if it sounds right!
2. CHUNK IT! “Take the word KEEPING. I know eep says ‘eep’ like in Jeep. I see the ing ending and know that it sounds like ‘ing’ like in ring. Now, put K-eep-ing together!”
3. Sound it out if you have to! Then reread it!
HOPE THIS HELPS! More to come later!