Get To Know Room 14

Sunday, January 30, 2011

States of Matter Glog

Our States of Matter Projects are due this Wednesday!  Check out  this creative project from 

Click below!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Read at home with your child...

Parents! As you know, reading is important on so many levels. Below is a great link for parents to help with reading at home. There is a list of reading strategies to work on and even a list of prompts to use while reading with your child. Enjoy!
kids' reading nook

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Center work: Online Book Club(Jan 20-Feb 4)

Online Book Club
That’s right! Grab your hot chocolate. It’s time for an extra dose of Fourth Grade BOOK CLUB! 


Would you recommend your book? Why or why not? Please give a lot of details. Read what others have left. Would you want to read their book?

Feburary Parent Newsletter

Fourth Grade News

  Hello! February is just around the corner! You will begin to notice many new additions to our blog. We will begin to Twitter about our day. We will be using as a summary tool!  The children will take turns writing a summary of what we did each day. They may summarize one topic or the whole day. This is a great way to be hands-on with technology in a meaningful way. If you would like to receive our class updates, follow us on Twitter! You will find a link on our blog! I will ONLY ADD PARENTS to our Twitter account. See the handout for details!
  In social Studies, we will be finishing our unit on the Civil War and moving on to the Rise of Industry. We will be focusing on inventions and inventors. In Math, we will be moving on to more complex multiplication and division problems. PLEASE continue practicing the Multiplication facts every night. This is imperative for their future success in Mathematics!
  In Science, we are concluding our unit on Matter with a fun project! The children should have already shown you their choices for the project. I can’t wait to see what they select and how they will complete it!  We will also have a short test on this unit. In Writing, we started learning about Fictional Narratives. The kids are so excited to use their imagination to create a fun and exciting story that is all their own. The children will be publishing their stories in hard cover books. I am so excited to see how proud the kids will be when they see their story in book form! This is a busy month!

Dates to know:
·          Science Project due: Wednesday, Feb 2nd
·          Short Science Test on Friday, Feb 4th
NO spelling Test for the week of Jan 31st- Feb 4th
·          Civil War quiz on Tuesday Feb 8th
·          Math Test on Thursday, Feb 17th

The children will either receive a Study Guide or the handouts from class to help them study for each quiz or test.
The Valentine’s Day party is Monday, Feb 14th. More information to come.
Feb 4th is School Spirit day! It is $ 2.00 to participate.

Please contact me for any reason!      


Sunday, January 23, 2011

DRE Raffle Winners

Congrats to Alyssa and Sami who won the Walleye Game with Miss Kauffman and myself! Alyssa chose to bring Maya from our class. Sami chose to bring a family friend named Emily.Walleyes won! We had a great time! Here are the pictures from the game.
Maya and Alyssa

Alyssa-Mrs. Seegert- Maya

Maya and Alyssa

Emily and Sami

Miss. Kauffman and Mrs. Seegert

The Game

A man WON a JEEP!

So cool!

The Girls having fun!

Doing the Walleye Dance!

Sami bought a  T-shirt!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


We use sticky notes for everything in our class! Now, we are going to use them online...

Click on the link below and tell me what special qualities a Fantasy book has.

Thursday, January 13, 2011



For more information click below.

Can you take anything you find on the internet without the creater's permission and use it in your report? Why?
What is a copyright?POST A COMMENT!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Division Review Video!

What is the dividend
What is the divisor
What is the quotient?

Watch the video for a fun review!CLICK BELOW  

                  *******Take the quiz and PRINT********

Brain POP video on MATTER!

Whats the MATTER?

Watch this fun Brainpop video on Matter! Click Below:

Take the quiz!


It's baaaAACK by popular demand! The states of matter song!

definite shape
definite volume
Not easily compressible
-does not flow -easily

no definite shape( take the shape of the container)
definite volume
Not easily compressible

no definite shape
No definite volume
Can be easily compressed to change the volume
-usually invisible

Fantasy Genre Author Study

Author Study

What book are you reading?  Click on the appropriate link to learn about the author of your book!
What did you learn? What did you find interesting? If you could ask him a question, what would you ask him? Post a comment to share with the entire class!

John Peterson- author of The Littles

Roald Dahl- author of The BFG

James Howe- author of Bunnicula

January Parent Update

January Parent Update

I wanted to take advantage of this snow day to touch base with the parents of my wonderful Fourth Graders! 
This month we are working very hard on multiplication and division. I am STRONGLY encouraging my students to practice their multiplication facts every night.  We will be moving on to double digit multiplication and long division in the near future. It will come so much easier if we can “nail down” our basic facts! I have given the kids blank and competed multiplication fact charts, a multiplication facts booklet, multiple website suggestions as well as printable flash cards. You can find the flash cards on my blog under Education Links.  I also have other great websites to practice Math on my blog! We have increased the amount of times per week that we take our multiplication time test in our classroom in order to stimulate practice.  If the kids do not pass the time test, they are to complete the top portion as homework and return it the following day. Please take the time to practice with your child. It will make a world of difference.
   This month we are learning about The Civil War in Social Studies, matter in Science, personal and fictional narratives in Writing and we are starting our Fantasy genre in Reading. We will be focusing on main idea versus details next week as we begin our new reading books! I have two groups reading The Littles, two groups reading Bunnicula and one group reading The BFG! All of them are great books tailored to fit each child’s needs at the moment.    

On a special note: 
 -This trimester, we are using points in Accelerated Reader (AR). Each child has his or her own goal ranging from 18-22. I had all of the children create their own goal as well. I have some kids trying to reach 40 points! Way to go!
-We have a short quiz on multiplication and division next Tuesday the 18th

Contact me with ANY questions or concerns! You can also contact me for an update on the progress of your child. I would be happy to meet with you!

Have a fabulous day!

Mrs. Seegert

The kids loved having The Elves visit our classroom  in December;) haha! So cute!